
更新到Nextcloud 24.0.7發現的問題
  • 資料庫缺少了某些索引值。由於在一個龐大的表中新增索引需要一些時間,因此它們並不會被自動新增。您可執行 “occ db:add-missing-indices” 來手動新增那些缺少的索引值。當索引值新增完成後,查詢的速度通常會變得快許多
    • 在資料表 “oc_mounts” 中,找不到索引值 “mounts_class_index”
  • 檢查您 Nextcloud 的安全性。



sudo -u www-data php7.4 /var/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices
  1. www-data 部分為使用者名稱
  2. php7.4 部分視你的php版本名稱而定 e.g. php php7.4
  3. /var/www/nextcloud/occ 部分為nextcloud資料夾路徑
user@myvps:~$ sudo -u www-data php7.4 /var/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices
Check indices of the share table.
Check indices of the filecache table.
Check indices of the twofactor_providers table.
Check indices of the login_flow_v2 table.
Check indices of the whats_new table.
Check indices of the cards table.
Check indices of the cards_properties table.
Check indices of the calendarobjects_props table.
Check indices of the schedulingobjects table.
Check indices of the oc_properties table.
Check indices of the oc_jobs table.
Check indices of the oc_direct_edit table.
Check indices of the oc_mounts table.
Adding mounts_class_index index to the oc_mounts table, this can take some time...
oc_mounts table updated successfully.
  • 出現 oc_mounts table updated successfully.就OK啦!